
As the world's first textile butcher, successful textile object label and object design studio, Aufschnitt consistently emphasizes quality, creativity and individuality. Our service portfolio is just as unique as our customers. Whether it is brand campaigns, visions, explosive cultural topics or charitable projects, our expert team and network realizes individually-developed solutions that bring you closer to your goals. At Aufschnitt, everyday standards can be turned upside down—only if it hits the target. What we offer:

Custom Objects

Promotional Items

We offer you the opportunity to use your company or brand's logo on our products. We also offer custom product design, with the product development occurring in our studio. Giveaways, promotional materials, and more, we are here to help!

Walking Acts

For walking acts, we offer customised full-body suits adapted to the measures as well as mobile, portable or local information stands and themed 'stations' that can be combined with them. It is best to get in touch with us directly!

We are always happy to answer your questions and share our portfolio. Please write us an email, give us a call, or come by the studio!
